Bees at Reserva Conchal produce excellent honey and job opportunities in Guanacaste

16 May, 2024

In the heart of Reserva Conchal, the joint work between a colony of bees and people from the community results in forest conservation and honey production that wins awards in Europe.

With more than 2.5 million bees of the Apis mellifera species, distributed in 30 hives, the Reserva Conchal Apiary is the center of a pollination operation that covers hundreds of hectares of forest. Worker bees fly up to 2 kilometers daily to collect nectar and pollen from trees such as mahogany, corteza amarilla and poró, in a ritual that is fundamental for the local ecosystem and for the production of high quality honey.

Their work is possible thanks to the hard work of 15 people from neighboring communities, who take care of the hives, harvesting, packaging and quality control of the honey. The production cycle bears fruit once a year, during the harvest season, which in 2023 yielded almost 1,000 kg of honey.

The product of this apiary is 100% natural and is marketed in alliance with the Blue Zones Nicoya brand. It is distinguished by its slight acidity, coming from mangrove pollen, and its color, which reflects the diversity of the forest flora throughout the year. These particularities and its exceptional quality were decisive for the product to be awarded at the London Honey Awards in 2023.

This Reserva Conchal project attests to how collaboration between bees and local communities can result in a superior quality product that transcends borders.







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