FIFCO voluntarily adopted the SBTis in order to contribute to global decarbonization goals

20 September, 2023

  • The Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) defines and promotes best practices to achieve global greenhouse gas reduction targets.
  • FIFCO announces its voluntary adherence during the Climate Week held in New York as part of the United Nations General Assembly.

San José, Costa Rica. September 20, 2023. The Costa Rican company Florida Ice and Farm Company (FIFCO), with presence in the United States, Mexico and Central America, announced its voluntary commitment to join the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).

SBTi is a tool whose main objective is to promote collaboration and the adoption of scientific targets to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Nearly 6,000 companies around the world have adopted these targets to help achieve global emission reduction commitments, according to the official website . Nearly 3,500 companies are using SBTis to manage their GHG emissions and nearly 2,400 have made zero emissions commitments.

Maria Pía Robles, FIFCO’s Corporate Relations Director, commented “Prior to this adhesion and confirming our commitment, FIFCO drew up a systemic roadmap called Climate Action Strategy for the short and medium term. This strategy is comprised of three chapters or agendas: Mitigation, Adaptation and Impact Management. As part of the mitigation agenda, the main opportunities to reduce emissions are identified, as well as their technical and financial implications”.

Through the SBTis, organizations set out in a clear and traceable way the short- and long-term emission reductions in line with the Paris Agreement targets and the scientific basis for preventing global temperature from rising above 1.5°C.

As part of the mitigation agenda, the main opportunities to reduce emissions, as well as their technical and financial implications, have already been identified. This roadmap includes replacing the bunker boiler at the Beer Plant (2024 and 2032) and at the Refreshments Plant (2025 and 2026) with electric boilers, increasing energy efficiency in manufacturing processes, and the gradual transition from LPG forklifts and gasoline and diesel light utility vehicles to their electric equivalents starting in 2024.

FIFCO is a company that currently holds certifications as a zero waste, carbon positive and water positive company, which demonstrates its commitment to the planet’s environmental sustainability.

As part of the commitment to accountability and keeping indicators updated according to new trends, FIFCO is also on the way to implement the use of indicators from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Its objective is to make transparent the risks related to climate change and how each organization is managing them.

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FIFCO is a beverage and food company with 115 years of history, and operations in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador and the United States, 7 manufacturing plants and 15 distribution centers. It has 3 business divisions that include “Florida Bebidas” (food and beverages), “Florida Hospitality” (real estate) and “Florida Retail” (retail sales). It exports to 18 countries around the world and has a portfolio of 1,500 products.







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