FIFCO reduced sugar content in its beverage portfolio

20 March, 2023

  • The company also continues with the implementation of education and awareness actions to improve consumption habits.

Through several improvements in the elaboration of its products, Florida Ice and Farm Company (FIFCO), managed to reduce the sugar content of its own brands.

Currently, beverages have an average of 10.45 grams of sugar per 250-milliliter serving (weighted average of the company’s own beverages). This data reflects that the company reduced, on average, 10.61% of sugar content compared to 2021.

FIFCO’s objective in this field is to ensure a sugar content equal to or less than 10 g of sugar per 250 mL in the general balance of its portfolio by 2025. This is one of the 9 goals set by the company with its new sustainability strategy, FIFCO Transcends, which evolved the triple bottom line business model by adopting new and higher Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards.

FIFCO’s “Smart Consumption” program was incorporated into this new accountability structure and reported other advances, including improvements in industrial food processing. Additionally, the company continued with the implementation of educational and awareness actions to improve young people’s consumption habits. These results were presented during the company’s Shareholders’ Meeting, which was held on March 15.

With this progress, FIFCO eliminated 843 tons of sugar from its products, compared to 2021, a 7% year-on-year decrease. To achieve this, for example, the Flavored Alcoholic Beverages (BAS) line lowered its average sugar portion by 34.35% compared to 2021, an absolute reduction of 3.03g of sugar per serving, going from an average content of 8.82 g of sugar per serving at the end of 2021, to 5.79 g per serving at the end of 2022.

The new line of Adan y Eva flavors played a key role in this improvement as it is produced with no added sugar and 4% alcohol.

Lucila Cisneros Royo, FIFCO’s Social Strategy Manager, pointed out that “the Integral Smart Consumption program seeks to raise awareness among the population about healthy lifestyles, and implement consumption and behavior patterns that enable the promotion of health in general. This reflects that we are a company committed, not only with the management of our operations, but also with our customers and society, that is why we work hard to offer quality products and experiences“.

Research and awareness

Part of FIFCO’s efforts for Integral Smart Consumption include taking the pulse of responsible alcohol consumption, a topic of high interest for the company.

Every year, the company conducts studies to measure consumption patterns, and thus, to outline awareness strategies. Currently, and as part of the sustainability goals (ESG) to 2025, FIFCO defined to ensure low alcohol content products that represent 55% of the volume and lead education in Smart Consumption.

In addition, it seeks to ensure the reduction of less than 10 g of sugar per 250 ml in the general balance of the company’s portfolio.

Part of the awareness process consists of developing virtual learning modules on Healthy Living, which has already impacted 6,533 high school students by 2022, teaching them topics related to good nutrition, movement, mental health and Covid prevention, among others. These efforts were carried out in coordination with the Ministry of Public Education under the FIFCO – MEP agreement.

We are the most responsible company in Costa Rica, internally, with customers and society, according to the Corporate Reputation Business Monitor (MERCO). We accompany these results with actions and work daily to meet the demands of an increasingly conscious consumer,” said Cisneros.

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