30 October, 2023

The office of the First Lady, Signe Zeikate, FIFCO, CEN-CINAI and ULATINA, make this initiative possible thanks to a joint effort.

A total of 80 girls and boys from CEN-CINAI in La Uruca will receive English language training, thanks to a public-private partnership, promoted by the office of the First Lady of the Republic, Signe Zeikate, FIFCO, CEN-CINAI and ULATINA.

This “bilingualism strategy for CEN-CINAI”, was created by FIFCO- Reserva Conchal, together with Universidad Latina and emerged at CEN-CINAI in Santa Cruz. This initiative was supported by the Office of the First Lady, bringing new allies to the program and facilitating its expansion to CEN-CINAI in Uruca.

This project provides English language learning tools for the institution’s teachers, as well as the coordination management of the students of the Bilingual Preschool study program, who are in charge of teaching the language to children of the institution.

On the other hand, FIFCO (a beverage and food company with 115 years of experience), will support with the program’s administrative expenses, as well as the operational roadmap so that it can be successfully developed thanks to its experience with a similar program implemented in Guanacaste. “This year we have decided to give continuity to this project that began in Conchal, Guanacaste, starting in the province of San José, mainly at CEN-CINAI in Uruca, in line with our social strategy, which responds to our vision of Expansive Sustainability,” commented Maria Pía Robles, FIFCO’s Corporate Relations Director.

The First Lady of the Republic, Signe Zeikate, stated that “Only through close public-private collaboration can we accelerate English language training for our children and teachers. We thank all our partners in the private sector who have contributed to promote bilingualism in Costa Rica”.

For her part, Rosa Monge Monge, Chancellor of Universidad Latina de Costa Rica explained that “we have been developing this bilingualism project in Guanacaste since 2021, thanks to the support of Reserva Conchal, FIFCO, CEN-CINAI and our ULATINA Headquarters in Santa Cruz, and today we bring it here to La Uruca, to our more than 80 beloved boys, girls and their teachers, which represents our commitment to education and the development of Costa Rica to guarantee an inclusive, equitable, quality education, and in this way, be able to promote learning opportunities for all, to impact society and transform the world.

“Today we are making history, today is a day of national celebration for the CEN-CINAI of the South Central Region, especially for CEN-CINAI La Uruca, and we hope to expand it to other CEN-CINAI in the country,” said Marianella Ribas Fallas, national director of CEN-CINAI.

This program aims to promote learning of the English language from early childhood in order to positively impact the development and education of this child population.







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